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derecola's Reward Points: 47

Points When What Where
6 High Rated Argument Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
1 High Rated Argument What Habits Would You Advise Others To Emulate?
1 High Rated Argument Are married people happier than single people?
2 High Rated Argument Should kids be taught all there is to know about sex in school?
2 Added Argument Should kids be taught all there is to know about sex in school?
1 Added Argument Are married people happier than single people?
1 Added Argument Would you go back in time and assassinate Hitler?
1 Added Argument What Habits Would You Advise Others To Emulate?
1 Added Argument What do you think about the proposed "gas tax holiday" in the news?
1 Added Argument Does a thing being "right" or "wrong" have anything to do with it being considered a sin?
2 Added Argument Will the economic stimulus checks have a positive impact on the US economy?
4 Added Argument What features should be added to CreateDebate?
1 Added Argument What will you give up first in a Recession?
1 Added Argument Who has a bigger ego?
1 Added Argument Is being a vegetarian a better choice than eating meat?
1 Added Argument What little things do you do to try to help the environment?
1 Added Argument How big will the iPhone be?
2 Added Argument Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
2 Added Argument I'm buying a new laptop, what should I get?
1 Added Argument 300 Spartans vs. 300 Samurai
1 Added Argument Do you agree with Embryonic Stem Cell Research?
2 Added Argument Are Republicans dead in November?
1 Added Argument Is it a good idea to buy stock when Penthouse has its IPO?
4 Added Argument Fakies: Hot or Not?

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