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dacey's Reward Points: 1040

Points When What Where
3 Created Debate All Carrots Matter
2 Added Argument Can two people think the same thought?
1 Added Argument Do you close the bathroom door if you are home alone?
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Dacey
-1 Downvoted Argument GET YOUR FUNNIES ON:) Caution:may be offensive to some
1 High Rated Argument Does playing too much video games have a negative effect on a young mind?
1 Added Argument Your reaction to the double rainbow video on youtube
-1 Downvoted Argument Your reaction to the double rainbow video on youtube
1 High Rated Argument Are Goths evil?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is significant amounts of masturbation a problem?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is significant amounts of masturbation a problem?
1 Added Argument Has an Airline Ever Peed on Your Luggage?
2 Added Argument You aren't getting out that easy, go back and answer the challenges presented.
1 Added Argument How many swear words do you use daily?
3 Added Argument Fair cop of the sausage !
2 Added Argument Do you like tattoos?
5 Created Debate Fair cop of the sausage !
1 Added Argument Tantric or frantic?
1 Added Argument Are Goths evil?
1 Added Argument my baby and me
2 Added Argument I'm a banana... or am I?
1 Added Argument Well...., this is my 1000 debate. I'm pretty much done here. It's been fun ;)
2 Created Debate Dick Smith should be Australias Prime Minister.

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