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Stryker's Reward Points: 849

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Non-vegan foods should be banned worldwide.
1 Added Argument The Meaning of Life
4 Added Argument Non-vegan foods should be banned worldwide.
2 Added Argument It is immoral for humans to raise bees and steal their honey.
1 High Rated Argument Do we need maths in our daily life??!
1 High Rated Argument Since most atheists only choose one meaning of religion......
1 Added Argument Do You Miss Sitara (Dana)?
1 Added Argument Is the universe finite or infinite?
1 Added Argument Since most atheists only choose one meaning of religion......
-1 Downvoted Argument Problem of Evil question.
5 Created Debate Problem of Evil question.
1 Added Argument A Tale of Two Community Organizers

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