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Dr_Batman's Reward Points: 1523

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate Bishop Mar Mari debunks evolution
1 Created Debate Bishop Mar Mari debunks Evolution
1 Added Argument Does money make you happy?
1 Added Argument Does money make you happy?
1 Created Debate Anyone supporting the Reds will be eliminated by the New White Army.
3 Added Argument Lgbtpedo hypocrites cry oppression yet they sexualize children. Ban lgbtpedos now.
4 Created Debate Lgbtpedo hypocrites cry oppression yet they sexualize children. Ban lgbtpedos now.
1 Added Argument "Sciencerules" screams unfairness but supports torture? Same Hypocrite exposed again
2 Added Argument "Sciencerules" screams unfairness but supports torture? Same Hypocrite exposed again
4 Created Debate "Sciencerules" screams unfairness but supports torture? Same Hypocrite exposed again
-1 Downvoted Argument Rectal feeding is torture and a poor way to gain information?
-1 Downvoted Argument Have you, noticed how Trump was so right and Biden ''IS SO WRONG''?
-1 Downvoted Argument Have you, noticed how Trump was so right and Biden ''IS SO WRONG''?
-1 Downvoted Argument Have you, noticed how Trump was so right and Biden ''IS SO WRONG''?
1 Added Argument Have you, noticed how Trump was so right and Biden ''IS SO WRONG''?
1 Created Debate Einstein had the common sense to see the atomic bomb is a big mistake. I agree with him!
1 Created Debate Another-Alt is criminally insane because he probably supports Oppenheimer's Atomic Bomb!
1 Added Argument God invented Science. He wants us to use it wisely or else...we destroy ourselves unwisely
1 Added Argument God invented Science. He wants us to use it wisely or else...we destroy ourselves unwisely
3 Created Debate God invented Science. He wants us to use it wisely or else...we destroy ourselves unwisely
1 Created Debate Science & Morality go together. Without morality, scientists would go mad.
1 Created Debate Bipolar-Alt aka Another-Alt is mad because he has proven to be insane.
-1 Downvoted Argument Can Science and Morality co-exist?
1 Added Argument Richard Bilkszto is right. Canada has become more racist because of lgbtpedos/CRTs.
1 Created Debate Critical Race Theorists can't think critically. That's me criticizing you hypocrites.
1 Added Argument Richard Bilkszto was misjudged to be a "white supremacist" for addressing issues in Canada
2 Created Debate Richard Bilkszto was misjudged to be a "white supremacist" for addressing issues in Canada
2 Added Argument Richard Bilkszto is right. Canada has become more racist because of lgbtpedos/CRTs.
4 Created Debate Richard Bilkszto is right. Canada has become more racist because of lgbtpedos/CRTs.
1 Added Argument Lgbtpedo cult bullies former Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto to suicide.
2 Added Argument Lgbtpedo cult bullies former Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto to suicide.
4 Created Debate Lgbtpedo cult bullies former Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto to suicide.
1 Added Argument "Bill Gothard tries to take over the world". Don't say you never tried it, "Sciencerules"
2 Added Argument what do you think about Christians gambling
1 Added Argument Human Sexual Reproduction; Heterosexuality is the only answer
5 Added Argument Human Sexual Reproduction; Heterosexuality is the only answer
1 Created Debate "Sciencerules" has a mental illness of accepting insanity
5 Created Debate Human Sexual Reproduction; Heterosexuality is the only answer
1 Added Argument Lgbtpedos have finally admitted they are threatening kids. They are dead.
2 Created Debate Lgbtpedos have finally admitted they are threatening kids. They are dead.
2 Added Argument Inclusion is a lie. Lgbtpedos will be demolished over infinite times.
2 Added Argument Inclusion is a lie. Lgbtpedos will be demolished over infinite times.
5 Created Debate Inclusion is a lie. Lgbtpedos will be demolished over infinite times.
1 Created Debate The more threats from lgbtpedos, the more of them will die. Kill heterophobes. Shoot trans
1 Added Argument Common Sense will destroy lgbtpedos. Fake breastfeeding is an abomination.
2 Created Debate Common Sense will destroy lgbtpedos. Fake breastfeeding is an abomination.
1 Created Debate Gothard's intentions;protecting women&children is correct but aren't below men
1 Created Debate Perhaps the 10 women are also guilty besides Bill Gothard?
1 Added Argument So Bill Gothard is guilty of sexual allegations. "Sciencerules", you are just as guilty!
2 Created Debate So Bill Gothard is guilty of sexual allegations. "Sciencerules", you are just as guilty!
2 Added Argument "Bill Gothard tries to take over the world". Don't say you never tried it, "Sciencerules"
4 Created Debate "Bill Gothard tries to take over the world". Don't say you never tried it, "Sciencerules"
1 Added Argument "Sciencerules" is no better than Bill Gothard, yet believes Bill is evil. Hypocrite Alert.
2 Created Debate "Sciencerules" is no better than Bill Gothard, yet believes Bill is evil. Hypocrite Alert.
1 Created Debate "Sciencerules" fails to recognize differences between men & women.
1 Created Debate "Sciencerules" justifies hormone blockers given to kids. If you agree, you're wrong.
1 Created Debate Since men & women make mistakes, why not be better together by starting over?:D
1 Created Debate Both men and women make mistakes. This only proves they aren't better than each other.
1 Added Argument Just because Wonder Woman can fight, that doesn't make her a man. She's still a woman.
2 Created Debate Just because Wonder Woman can fight, that doesn't make her a man. She's still a woman.
1 Created Debate Men are superior as fathers. Women are superior as mothers. Again, complimentary roles.
1 Added Argument Men cannot get pregnant. Women get pregnant. "Sciencerules" debunked.
2 Created Debate Men cannot get pregnant. Women get pregnant. "Sciencerules" debunked.
1 Created Debate Men and women w/ their roles combined, compliment each other. That's how marriage works.
1 Added Argument "Sciencerules" is a hypocrite because it believes women are superior to men.
2 Created Debate "Sciencerules" is a hypocrite because it believes women are superior to men.
1 Created Debate Claim: Bill Gothard tried to take over the world Truth: Sounds biased
-1 Downvoted Argument Bill Gothard tried to take over the world.
1 Added Argument Female pride supporter admits that it's okay to expose nude to kids. NOT APPROPRIATE!
2 Added Argument Female pride supporter admits that it's okay to expose nude to kids. NOT APPROPRIATE!
4 Created Debate Female pride supporter admits that it's okay to expose nude to kids. NOT APPROPRIATE!
-1 Downvoted Argument Gay and lesbian Love Spells +17205077616 in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston
2 Added Argument There are no "gay & lesbian" "love spells". There is no such thing as homosexual love.
1 Added Argument There are no "gay & lesbian" "love spells". There is no such thing as homosexual love.
4 Created Debate There are no "gay & lesbian" "love spells". There is no such thing as homosexual love.
1 Added Argument Recent arson linked to Illuminati's message to take down religion?
2 Created Debate Recent arson linked to Illuminati's message to take down religion?
1 Added Argument Does the Illuminati actually exist?
1 Added Argument "Gays against groomers" is another lie to make us believe gay is okay when it's not
2 Added Argument "Gays against groomers" is another lie to make us believe gay is okay when it's not
4 Created Debate "Gays against groomers" is another lie to make us believe gay is okay when it's not
-1 Downvoted Argument Can Science and Morality co-exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Can Science and Morality co-exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Can Science and Morality co-exist?
5 Added Argument Can Science and Morality co-exist?
1 Created Debate The invasion of homosexuality & the lies they bring. Lgbtpedos exposed.
1 Added Argument Claim: Pope thinks God made homosexuals Truth: No such thing occurred because it's wrong.
1 Added Argument Claim: Pope thinks God made homosexuals Truth: No such thing occurred because it's wrong.
3 Created Debate Claim: Pope thinks God made homosexuals Truth: No such thing occurred because it's wrong.
1 Added Argument Lgbtpedo false church struck down, Vatican is next becuz pope is unorthodox heretic.
1 Added Argument Lgbtpedo false church struck down, Vatican is next becuz pope is unorthodox heretic.
3 Created Debate Lgbtpedo false church struck down, Vatican is next becuz pope is unorthodox heretic.
1 Added Argument Lgbtpedos sexualized Jesus, the Son of God the Father. Shame on you degenerates.
2 Created Debate Lgbtpedos sexualized Jesus, the Son of God the Father. Shame on you degenerates.
1 Created Debate Jesus was never homosexual. God the Father is justified for striking down a false church.
2 Added Argument An lgbtpedo "Church" is struck down by lightning. Sounds like God's Holy Wrath!

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